off the charts POLICY INSIGHT BEYOND THE NUMBERS Home Blog In Case You Missed It… In Case You Missed It… May 13, 2022, 11:31 am | By CBPP This week at CBPP, we focused on family income support, food assistance, the economy, and health. On family income support, Lisa A. Gennetian and Katherine Magnuson provided three reasons why giving cash to families with low incomes is a sound policy investment for families and children. On food assistance, Michele Ver Ploeg and Chen Zhen explained how changes in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefit levels affect food spending and diet quality. Joseph Llobrera described how boosting SNAP benefits would increase spending on groceries and improve the nutritional quality of food purchases. On the economy, we updated our chart book tracking the post-Great Recession expansion. We also updated our backgrounder on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are currently available. On health, we updated our fact sheet summarizing federal government provisions that have expanded access to COVID-19 testing, vaccinations, and treatments. Chart of the Week — Distribution of Cash Benefits Reduced Monthly Child Poverty in Pandemic Share Chart on Facebook Share Chart on Twitter Chart A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this past week. Here are some of the highlights: Millions More Americans Could Afford Food Because of the Child Tax Credit, New Study Shows Fatherly May 12, 2022 The end of Roe will mean more children living in poverty Vox May 12, 2022 We Pay to Keep the Old Out of Poverty. Why Won’t We Do the Same for the Young? The New York Times May 7, 2022 Don’t miss any of our posts, papers, or charts — follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. CBPP Share Facebook Twitter Print Email PreviousIn Case You Missed It… NextThe House Passed a Strong, Progressive Revenue Package — Now It’s Time for the Senate to Act Stay up to date Email address Submit Receive the latest news and reports from the Center