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This week at CBPP, we focused on food assistance, federal taxes, health care, state budgets and taxes, and the federal budget.

  • On food assistance, Zoë Neuberger discussed how a House bill renewing child nutrition programs would severely limit community eligibility, an option that allows high-poverty schools to provide meals at no charge to all students.  She also showed which schools in each congressional district would be affected. Robert Greenstein explained why this and other elements of the bill would make child nutrition programs less effective.  He also highlighted a Wall Street Journal op-ed calling for strengthening SNAP (food stamps).  Brynne Keith-Jennings and Catlin Nchako updated our fact sheets showing who benefits from SNAP in each state. 
  • On federal taxes, Isaac Shapiro showed how the tax-cut proposals from Donald Trump and Ted Cruz would effectively transfer trillions of dollars from low- and middle-income households to people at the top of the income scale.  We updated our fact sheets highlighting the state-by-state impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.
  • On health care, Judith Solomon detailed how planned changes to Kentucky’s Medicaid eligibility process will undermine the state’s health care coverage success.  She also explained how Medicaid coverage can help people leaving jail or prison make the transition back into society.  Hannah Katch noted that a new federal rule for managed care organizations in Medicaid could improve beneficiaries’ access to quality and timely care.  Matt Broaddus highlighted a new study finding that expanding Medicaid under health reform improves the financial well-being of those newly eligible for the program.  Sarah Lueck debunked claims that states can use health reform waivers to make far-reaching changes that could undermine core goals of the law. 
  • On state budgets and taxes, Elizabeth McNichol explained that improving their budget processes can help states make better fiscal decisions.
  • On the federal budget, David Reich exposed a backdoor effort in the House to boost defense spending, violating a key principle of last year’s Bipartisan Budget Act.

Chart of the Week: Tax Cuts Under Trump and Cruz Would Disproportionately Benefit Millionaires

A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts recently. Here are some highlights:

Paul Ryan’s Big Plan To Replace Obamacare Is An Old Idea That Doesn’t Work
Huffington Post
April 28, 2016

This Bill Could Make More Kids Obese—and No One Is Talking About It
Mother Jones
April 27, 2016

Entitlement reform, RIP
Washington Post
April 27, 2016

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