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Javier Balmaceda
Job Title
Analista Sénior de Políticas en Puerto Rico
Javier Balmaceda

Javier Balmaceda is a Senior Policy Analyst with the Center’s Federal Fiscal Policy team. His main area of focus is Puerto Rico, with a particular eye on federal initiatives to resolve the commonwealth’s fiscal and economic challenges. Prior to joining the Center, Balmaceda worked as a reporter for a wide array of publications including Debtwire and Forbes, specializing in finance, economics, and fiscal policy. He also devoted two years of pro bono work to Amnesty International in Puerto Rico, where he co-authored a number of studies on low-income communities, poverty, evictions, and socioeconomic development. He holds a double master’s degree in public policy from the University of Chicago and the University of Chile, and a bachelor’s degree in political science from Williams College.

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