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In Case You Missed It…


CBPP will slow down for the next couple of weeks, but we’ll be back on our regular schedule when we return after New Year’s.  We wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season.

This week at CBPP, we focused on the federal budget and taxes, state budgets and taxes, and health. 

  • On the federal budget and taxes, Robert Greenstein assessed the tax provisions of the bipartisan budget and tax deals.  Chuck Marr highlighted the tax deal’s major anti-poverty accomplishment — the permanent extension of key improvements to the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit that were slated to expire after 2017. 
  • On state budgets and taxes, we released two interactive maps showing how total and general K-12 funding has changed since 2008.  Nick Albares pointed to the ten states that have cut K-12 funding the most and highlighted our related state fact sheets.  Jon Shure applauded Alaska Governor Bill Walker’s efforts to reestablish a state income tax to help stabilize state finances.
  • On health, Paul Van de Water reiterated that the “Cadillac tax” would have affected only a tiny share of workers and an even tinier share of health plan costs in 2018.

Chart of the Week: Tax Deal: Making EITC and CTC Provisions Permanent Has Powerful Anti-Poverty Effect

A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts recently. Here are some highlights:

No Compelling Case for Rate Hikes
U.S. News & World Report
December 17, 2015

K-12 Funding Down in Most States
Real Clear Policy
December 17, 2015

The big new budget deal, explained
December 16, 2015

Applications for the State Policy Fellowship Program are open until January 25, 2016.

Don’t miss any of our posts, papers, or charts—follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
