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Dottie Rosenbaum
Job Title
Asociada Principal y Director of Federal SNAP Policy
Dottie Rosenbaum

Dottie Rosenbaum is the Senior Fellow and Director of Federal SNAP Policy on the Food Assistance team. She lends her deep and expansive knowledge of SNAP and other assistance programs to the development and implementation of the team’s federal agenda. She works closely with other Center teams, federal and state agency partners, and national and state advocacy partners on SNAP policy development, strategy, and technical assistance. She also helps with their work that involves the coordination of SNAP and other state-administered health and income security programs, such as Medicaid, TANF, and child care, including the new multi-year, multi-state Safety Net Innovation Lab Project.

Rosenbaum also has expertise on the federal budget and budget process. Before joining the Center, she was a budget analyst at the Congressional Budget Office.

Areas of Expertise:

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