2008  | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999-1989

States and Counties Are Taking Steps to Help Low-Income Working Families Make Ends Meet and Move Up the Economic Ladder
Ed Lazere, Shawn Fremstad, Heidi Goldberg
85K, 86K-PDF

TANF Funds May Be Used to Create or Expand Refundable State Child Care Tax Credits
Nicholas Johnson
10/00, 7pp.

A Compliance-oriented Approach to Sanctions in State and County TANF Programs
Heidi Goldberg and Liz Schott
10/00, 44pp.

Improving Child Well-Being By Focusing on Low-Income Noncustodial Parents in Maryland
Wendell Primus and Kristina Daugirdas
9/00, 93pp.

Improving Access to Food Stamps: New Reporting Options Can Reduce Administrative Burdens and Error Rates
Dorothy Rosenbaum
9/00, 40pp.

Health Care After Welfare: An Update of Findings from State-Level Leaver Studies
Jocelyn Guyer
8/00, Press Release 8pp., Report 48pp.

Unspent TANF Funds in the Middle of Federal Fiscal Year 2000
Ed Lazere
204K-HTML, 109K-PDF, 16pp.

Appropriations Bills Would Cut Welfare Reform Block Grant Funding for 16 States, Undoing Compromise in Welfare Law
Kristina Daugirdas, Wendell Primus, and Robert Greenstein
Revised 7/00
41K-HTML, 165K-PDF, 7pp.

Research Evidence Suggests That Housing Subsidies Can Help Long-term Welfare Recipients Find and Retain Jobs
6/00, 4pp.

Ways That States Can Serve Families That Reach Welfare Time Limits (PDF)
Liz Schott
6/00, 21pp.

Testimony of Wendell Primus on Child Support Legislation
5/00, 16pp.

Windows of Opportunity: Strategies to Support Low-Income Families in the Next Stage of Welfare Reform
Eileen Sweeney
3/00, 10pp.

Recent Studies Indicate That Many Parents Who Are Current Or Former Welfare Recipients Have Disabilities And Other Medical Conditions, (PDF)
Eileen Sweeney
2/00, 40pp.
273K-PDF 00-020

The Value of Housing Subsidies to Welfare Reform Efforts
Barbara Sard and Jeff Lubell
February 2000, 10pp. 00-019

The Increasing Use of TANF and State Matching Funds to Provide Housing Assistance to Families Moving from Welfare to Work
Barbara Sard and Jeff Lubell
2/00, 70pp. 00-013

Comments on the Proposed Rule for the Bonus to Reward States for High Performance
2/00, 35pp.

Windows of Opportunity: Strategies to Support Families Receiving Welfare and Other Low-Income Families in the Next Stage of Welfare Reform
Eileen Sweeney, Liz Schott, Ed Lazere, Shawn Fremstad, Heidi Goldberg, Jocelyn Guyer, David Super, Clifford Johnson
312K-PDF, 80pp.
Press Release: States Have Substantial Unspent Welfare Funds, But Low-income Families Continue to Need Key Supports
1/00, 11pp.

Welfare Balances After Three Years of TANF Block Grants: Unspent TANF Funds at the End of Federal Fiscal Year 1999
Ed Lazere
80K-PDF, 21pp.

Outline of How Federal Housing Programs Can Help Provide Employment and Training Opportunities and Support Services to Current and Former Welfare Recipients
Barbara Sard and Jeff Lubell
1/00, 20pp.